As I sit here to write, I have so many things I want to say, so many thoughts I want to put down, but I'm not sure that they're all going to come out smoothly or the way I want them to.


It's that thing we can't see but we feel.  It's evident in answered prayers.  It's the healing that we have longed for.  It's that still, small voice that whispers, "I've got this."  Faith.  It is a way of life.  It's through faith that we have life and can have it eternally.


At church yesterday morning, we heard a message entitled, "I Am Saved."  I won't get into the whole message, but something hit me big time.  Prayer.  Though prayer was not the central message and I don't even know that it came up during the sermon, prayer has been on my mind.

I believe in prayer and it's power and have seen the evidence of faithful prayer in my life and the lives of others. Today, I've felt convicted all day about prayer.  Convicted because I seem to have the same "Dear Lord, please..." prayer.  Convicted because I fall asleep at night whispering my prayers.  Convicted because I take the time to make sure there aren't dishes in the sink, that clothes are folded and put up, and that I get in my daily exercise fix.  But prayer?  Doesn't always happen in a set aside God and me time.

I pray.  Always have and I hope I always will.  We pray with the boys each night.  We pray before meals.  I whisper "thank yous" to our Heavenly Father daily.

I want to be more intentional.  I have a list of things that I pray about for KT, for us, K.C., Kaden, our family, our families, friends, work, and future.  I worry about KT, the boys, and my sister.  I am thankful for blessings.

God has given His best to me.  He gave His Son to come to earth to live, die, and be raised again for ME.  For all my sin, my inequities, my worthlessness.  He has covered me in grace, has shown me the greatest mercy, and has blessed me abundantly.  And me?  I think about Him everyday, say my prayers often interrupted with the pull of Facebook or a text message or sleep, read a passage from my Bible in a Year because I (see a trend here?) want to read the Bible in a year, and take time to blog, read, clean, run, work out, eat and whatever else you'd like to say, but I don't always take the time to have intentional time with God everyday.  I want this to change and you know what that means?  It means I have to change.  I have to set aside time to spend time with God in prayer and the reading of His Word.

I love KT, the boys, and our families more than anything in this world.  While I can feed them physically, invest in them emotionally and intellectually, worry about their well being and futures, and do my best to show them the Father's love every day, the best and greatest thing in the world that I can do for them is to pray for them.

Our life is busy, but somehow I find the time to do these other things that are way less significant than praying.  How do you do it?

With that said, I pray that this week's VBS will touch the lives of all the people there and involved, and especially the lives of our sweet boys.  I pray that they have open hearts that will always love Jesus, that they will have a desire and thirst for Him, that they will grow up loving and serving Him and see the amazing things He has given them and the things He does in their lives.  I pray that they will grow up to be like their daddy and be men of God.  I pray that they will not be swayed and will have Christian wives and families and lead with love and good examples.  I pray that we will have the knowledge we need to raise them and shepherd their sweet hearts and I pray that they will see a picture of God's love and blessings in KT and me and our family.  Most of all, I pray that they will accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord and rest in the assurance of their salvation.