30 Days of Thanks {Day 2}

In the spirit of the upcoming holiday season, particularly Thanksgiving, I've decided to do a daily post on the things I'm thankful for.  Some days will be serious, some funny, but each day, I'll post about something I'm thankful for. I'd love for you to join along with me, too! Grab the button at the bottom of this post or from the right side bar and add your link each day (or even week if you want to do it that way).

Day 2 {My Husband}

Today and every day, I am thankful for my sweet husband.  I think (know) that I hit the jackpot when I met and married Kevin.

Kevin is, hands-down, the most amazing man I've ever known.  He is the sweetest, funniest, most loving, caring, determined, involved, focused, and encouraging man.  He is my best friend and my better half.

One of the many things I love most about Kevin is what a true person he is.  He loves us, his family, more than anything and shows it in all he does.  His priorities are in order.  He is genuine and doesn't put on an act.   He isn't only "there", he's present.

We have so much fun together and we're there for each other whether it's me cheering him on when he plays ball or him waiting at the finish line of one of my races.  He is all that a husband should be and more.

Kevin is the kind of husband you dream of having one day and the father you want your children to have.  Seeing him with the boys and the love he has for them makes me fall even more in love with him (if that's even possible).

I feel more loved and cherished with Kevin than I ever thought was possible.  Yes, I know that he loves me because he tells me, but more importantly, he shows me in everything that he does.  I am so blessed to be his wife!

Today, I am thankful for my husband.

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