Friday's Letters, Fitness, and Confessions


dear kevin: I can't believe we've already been married for two months!  It seems like just yesterday on one hand and like forever (in a good way) on the other.  I have so much fun with you.  Always.  I'm looking forward to a great weekend and Christmas.  I love you!  dear k.c.: I'm so glad you're feeling better sweet boy!  You are too funny all the time.  I love you!  dear kaden: I'm so excited for your Christmas program today!  You are, too.  You woke up singing "Feliz Navidad" and jumping up and down because of your excitement.  I hope that always stays with you.  I love you, little one!  dear friday: I've thought you've been here all week long.  I'm glad you're finally here!  dear cold weather: Thank you for gracing us with your presence.  It finally feels like winter!  dear readers (new and old): Thank you for coming back over and over again.  Thank you for your comments and e-mails.  Some of your e-mails this week brought tears (sweet ones) to my eyes.  I'm really enjoying getting to know you all!  dear new design: I love you!  You look better than I imagined you would.  Thank you Kaylee!  If you need a new design, please contact Kaylee.  She is fabulous to work with!  dear readers: I've decided to start offering sponsorships.  If you're interested, let me know!  dear shops and the mall: We have a date tomorrow.  And preferably one that ends in us getting all of our shopping done!  dear God: Thank you for your tremendous blessings, love, guidance, and grace.

I'm so glad my friend Jen is on the mend!

I think I've done pretty well exercising and eating right this week.  Ok, maybe not so much on the eating, but I have run and worked out. I've had more off days than I normally plan, but we had a sick boy!
Total Miles: 15.2
Total Workouts: 4

My goals for next week are to make it to the gym 3 times and to run 5 days.

You'll want to come back here next Wednesday for a HUGE announcement!


Today, I confess that:

... I totally forgot about making treat bags for Kaden's class. I love making treat bags for Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine's Day for the boys' classes, but forgot (until last night) that today is Kaden's last day of school before Christmas.  K.C.'s isn't until next week and I had planned to go treat bag shopping with the boys this weekend.  Enter cellophane wrap, candy canes, Hershey Kisses, Rice Krispy Treats from our pantry, and some candy intended for stockings and we had treat bags made.  Not exactly like I planned, but they were made and delivered to school this morning nonetheless.

... Instead of making homemade treats, preferably from Pinterest, for Kaden's party today, I bought some iced Christmas cookies.  I know it's not a big deal, but I wanted to make something from scratch.

... I really try to fit too much in.  I know it, and it's bad.  One of my goals for 2013 is to slow down.

... I fall asleep early.  As in when we lay down with the boys to read stories and say prayers.  It's ok sometimes, but sometimes, I think I need to get up and spend some one-on-one time with my husband.  I'm going to make that happen in 2013, too.

... I haven't done very well with the laundry and making up our bed this week.  I like to have laundry done and the beds made, but that hasn't happened every day this week.  My sweet husband and I split housework really evenly, so it's not like I feel like it all falls to me either.  We've just been busy.

... I've only cooked once this week. I told you in the fitness portion above I hadn't been the best at eating this week.

... I am super pumped about Christmas!  11 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Let Them Eat Cake