Motherhood Surprises

This post first appeared on Wifessionals.

For as long as I can remember, there have been two things I've always wanted to be: a wife and mother. My journey to motherhood has been different than some, but it's been no less exciting and special than if I had become a mother the traditional way.

If you will, allow me to backtrack for a moment. A little over two years ago, I met the most amazing man (You can read our story here - Part I and Part II). We were introduced by a mutual connection - a realtor who was helping me sell a house who had grown up knowing my husband. We talked on the phone a few times and then went out on our first date which turned into a second, then third date. And, well, you get the picture. This amazing man had two precious little boys, one, barely two and the other, almost four. I ended up meeting them on our third date (which was also the day I met the rest of my now family). Yes, it was fast, but it was just right, and the boys and I formed an instant bond. Fast forward a year and Kevin and I were married on October 13, 2012. On that day, I not only became a wife, but I also became an official mother, or Anna Belle, as the boys have called me for some time.

You see, my path to motherhood hasn't been traditional, but it's been amazing. I'm so thankful to God everyday for blessing my life with not only the man of my dreams, but also with two precious boys who are the lights of my life. Since I was old enough to know that you should pray for your future spouse and children, I've done it, and I know that God created me the way He did to be Kevin's wife and a mother to our children.

I always thought I'd be a certain way when I became a mother. I thought I'd do things this way or that way, I'd have a strict schedule, I'd do bedtime this way or that, you know the drill. I always thought motherhood would be one of the greatest things, but it wasn't until I became a mother that I realized just how great it is.

Having children to care for changes everything, but in my experience, it's only changed them for the better. Life was fun before, but it's even more fun now. I thought I loved deeply before, but I love infinitely more and better than I did before children. I've always known that the way I live, the things I do and the words I say are important, but I didn't realize just how those things are clung to and followed until I became a mother.

Since becoming a mother, I've been more conscience about everything. I feel like we've been given these incredible treasures from God to raise and I want to do the best I can to make sure that I'm the best wife for my husband and mother for our children. I want the boys to always feel our love and know how special they are. I want them to know that we'll always support their dreams and be there for them every step of the way. Most of all, I want them to see and know how amazing the grace our Savior has given us is.

Motherhood is an incredible gift. I'm thankful every day for these two little guys who make me want to be better, try harder and do more. The most surprising things to me about motherhood have been how utterly easy it has been for everything to just fall into place and how much greater it is than I ever imagined. Yes, there are tough days. There are times when they don't listen, times when we get frustrated and times when we really just don't know what to do, but there is so much beauty in even those things. Becoming a mother has opened my eyes to the world in a way I never knew, given me a love I didn't know and has impacted every area of my life in the most beautiful way.
