Happy FIRST Birthday, Caleb!

My sweet Caleb,

Happy First Birthday! It seems like just yesterday we were anxiously awaiting your arrival and now you've been with us a whole year. This has, hands-down, been both the best and fastest year of my life. When I look at you, I still picture that itty, bitty brown-haired baby boy who stole all our hearts, but today, you're a happy little ONE year old!

You have such a zest for life and fun. You love to smile. You started smiling almost as soon as you were born. You spread joy to all those around you. I hope and pray that you'll live your life filled with joy and share it with all you meet.

You are the best and sweetest baby. You seem to only get upset if we don't get your food to you fast enough - you love to eat! You are a great sleeper, but you wish you could stay up all night.

You love to play all the time. Some of your current favorite toys are your bunny (you carry Mr. Bun Bun around by his ear. everywhere.), blocks, train, sports set, slide, and anything that belongs to your brothers.

Reading is also one of your favorite things. Most nights, we read 12-15 books before you fall asleep. You seem to really love the mini Dr. Seuss books like "Go Dog. Go!," "Put Me in the Zoo," and "Big Dog...Little Dog," "Giraffes Can't Dance," "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?," and "Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site." I'm so glad you seem to love books!

You love to talk, too! You say da-da, ma-ma, hey, bye, yeah, no, this, and most recently, uh oh. You like to throw down your paci (another thing that you love) and say "uh oh."

You are into everything! You started walking around nine months and haven't slowed down. We have baby gates up on both sides of the fireplace and the stairs. You think you can climb up and down stairs just like everyone else. You do a great job climbing up (with Daddy or me close behind). You like to open and close the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen and my bathroom which has led to some rearranging of things. You also like to help unload the dishwasher. You are fascinated by it.

Playing outside is another one of your favorite things. I told Daddy a few weeks ago that I didn't ever dream you'd be running around outside playing at this point, but you are. You like to swing on your swing set, slide down the big slide, and climb up in the tree house. It's the cutest thing ever!

You also like to do anything sports-related. You have fun playing with your mini soccer/basketball/bowling set and love to dunk your basketball on your brothers' goal inside. I hope you always enjoy running around and being active!

You are still a great eater. You love meat, especially steak and chicken. Corn, beans, broccoli, and cauliflower seem to be your favorite vegetables. You also love all kinds of fruit and bread. You drink water out of a sippy cup at all your meals and have also learned to drink from a straw. You still drink about five bottles/sippy cups of milk each day.

Caleb, you are a delight! The love I have for you cannot be described. You bring so much joy and happiness to our lives each and every day. Seeing your eyes light up with happiness makes me smile. I pray that you will always have the happiness and joy you have now, and that you'll grow up to let Jesus' light shine within you. God has awesome and mighty plans for you, and I pray that you'll trust Him to lead and guide you all the days of your life. You are a dream come true, my precious baby boy.

I love you more than words can say!


